Thursday, October 18, 2007

droit de greve???

after almost a month abroad, his morning i was suposedto fly home, to barcelona, from paris.

but here i am... still... and i'll still be here for a while.... as expected there was no RER today, there was Orlyval to get to Orly, although it was not easy to get there... and once you get to-the airport you find that several flight have been cancelled, including the one to barcelona.

"fortunatelly", i've managed to get a seat for the same flight tomorrow, but who knows if that one will fly or not.

and all that, because of a strike to protect the excessive rihts and privileges of a few union members which are paid for  by the rest of people working and living in france. a strike that is NOT supported by the majority of french people, according to the journal Metro.

great... and this is suposed to be a first world country? what a joke....

Friday, July 27, 2007

Concerts, cinema, promenades, departs...

Salut a tous!!
Que'est-ce que on va faire avec cette temps d'été? Peut être organiser une grève pour demander du bon temps? Bon, on en parlera...
Cependant, on s'approche au weekend (on y est déjà!!), et on peut pas rester au devant la télé! Alors, je ne sais pas si il a des autres propositions, mais je vais en transmettre quelques unes pour commencer le debat... (SVP, confirmer votre intérêt a chaque activité, pour que tout le monde puisse savoir si il aura du monde intéressé ou pas)
Vendredi: Est-ce que quelqu'un veux aller aux concerts de Paris Plage? Ou alternativement on peut aller a diner et au Diablitho pour danser la Salsa :-)
Samedi: Mmmhh.... no, je vais proposer quelque chose diffèrent cette semaine... vraiment... Ok, vous avais raison: C'est le dernier weekend, et on doit en profiter: Festival de Jazz au Parc Floral!! Dernier weekend. A ne pas manquer. Après le festival, qu'est ce que vous en pensez d'aller a dîner et au Cinema en plein air au Parc de la Vilette? (prenez des habilles chauds!!). Un film de Roman Polanski nous y attends ("Tess").
Oui, on peut continuer avec le jazz, mais pas sans avoir le plaisir d'une belle promenade pour y aller. RDV a les escaliers de la Opera Bastille a 12h00  :-)
Comme plusieurs d'entre vous savez, ça c'est un des derniers 'spams' culturel-festives que je vais envoyer depuis la France, car je vais partir dans deux ou trois semaines. En fait je n'aime pas de faire des soirées de départ ou des choses comme ça, et alors je n'en vais pas organiser aucune (entre d'autres raisons, parce il ne sera pas vraiment un départ, car je vais revenir plusieurs fois, même pour visiter, comme touriste, pour des concerts, et on va essayer de rester en contacte et organiser des rencontres a un coin du monde ou a un autre). ;-) De toute façon, il sera sympa de vous voire tous (tous qui soyez encore ici), en partageant une activité ou une autre, pendant ces dernières semaines que je serai encore 'officiellement' habitant d'île de France. :-)

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Paris Jazz Festival 2007

Another year, and as the summer starts (or should be starting, climate change permitting) and another Paris Jazz Festival at the Parc Floral also starts (the Parc Floral is the Botanic Garden in Paris).

So far the weather has not great, but the music was amazing, and the concerts each weekend better than the previous ones!! (I'm starting to be afraid that the ones towards the end of July will be too good even to survive the pleasure of listening to them life!!)


Of course, we were not the only ones at the Parc Floral...

Friday, June 15, 2007

Activites, activites, activites... pas de pause jusqu'a Juliet

Salut a tous/es!!

Voici qu'on va avoir mal a suivre toutes les activités possibles pour les prochains jours et semaines...

Alors, tout le monde est prêt?

On y va!!

Paris Jazz Festival 2007
Fête de la musique
Fêtes a CitéU
Cours de Danses
Fête Médiéval
Couleur Café
Diners cuisines internationales
Bière & Chocolat beaucoup de plus!!

Ce weekend:

Le Paris Jazz Festival au Parc Floral continue ce weekend avec le thème: "Esprit Django". Probablement je vais y aller les deux jours (comme le w-e dernier), mais au moins on va y aller sure demain (Samedi). Les concerts sont de 15h a 18h, mais a 15h toutes les places sont déjà prises, alors est vraiment meilleur de se rencontrer au parc Floral vers 13h30 si on veux prendre de bonnes places. De toute façon il y a des animations, une expo sur le jazz, de cours d'initiation a la danse, et naturellement la beauté du parc a profiter pendant qu'on attends le concert.

On a aussi des propositions de complémenter le journée jazzistique avec un dîner a un resto Créole typiquement Louissianne pour continuer avec l'humeur du jazz, et pour ceux qui veulent faire de la fête jusqu'à tard, j'ai entendu quelques rumeurs sur une merveilleuse fête a la Fondation Hellénique (Maison de la Grece), a la Cite Universitaire aussi ce Samedi. Finalement, mémé si le temps peut n'être le meilleur pour faire des picnics, on a propose d'apporter quelque chose pour grignoter et du vin et autres boissons pour les concerts au Festival dimanche.

La semaine prochaine:

Fête de la musique: 21 Juin (Jeudi?)

Des centaines des activités, concerts partout paris et la France (et mémé ailleurs!! :-o ) ;-) a profiter des le matin, jusqu'à le matin d'après...

Le w-e prochaine:

Oui, le festival de Jazz au Parc Floral continue... Vous ferez bien de vous faire la carte abonnement du Parc Floral cette année (20Euro + une photo, c'est tout, valide pour tout un année).

Mais il y a encore des choses en plus!!! Les festivités du w-e médiéval a Provins. Un w-e au moyen âge, avec des joutes, de la musique, de la nourriture, jongleries, histoires, animations... a ne pas manquer!!

Encore un autre w-e (29/06-01/07)

Ouip, le Festival de Jazz au Parc Floral...

Mais si vous voulez changer de type de musique ou voyager un peu, ou bien visiter le paradis de la bière (un d'eux), et la partie du meilleur chocolat du monde, ou bien tout ça dans le mémé w-e....

Voila: Le Festival Couleur Café a Bruxelles vous attends!!

En cependant, on a des vieux amis qui reviennent a Paris, des soirées Latino au Diablitho, et tout que vous pouvais imaginer, suggérer, avez envie de faire... (peut être l'unique exception sera qu'on n'aura pas bcp de temps a se reposer, j'ai l'impression...)

On va bien s'amuser cet mois de Juin!!!

A tantôt!!

>> Vous trouverez cette info aussi avec bcp des
autres choses a mon site:
"Groove will get you thorugh times of no money,
but money won't get you though time of no groove"
Jazz musician's saying

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

A busy week of spring

It's finally spring in Paris, with its sunny and warm April days and its cold, grey, rainy and generally miserable May weekends. But spring brings more than mutable weather, but lots of cultural activities, several Jazz festivals, and plenty of long May weekends to travel a bit or enjoy the city while Parisians are in a traffic jam on the way to Normandy. 
All last week was one of these busy weeks. Monday was the quiet evening, planning a trip to Brittany for the 4-day weekend ahead, and starting to pack. Unfortunately, neither the weather forecast nor the traffic previsions were very encouraging, so alternative plans were put in place. Tuesday, after deciding that spending half of the weekend in a traffic jam was not my dream of holidays, I went down to St. Germain des Pres, to get last minute tickets for one of the last concerts of the Jazz Festival. Marcel Solal, great piano improviser, playing in the church of St. Germain des Pres.
(a picture is coming here, eventually, and more info on the Festival elsewhere in this blog)
Wednesday was the day of our usual Salsa course. I had already danced salsa and other Afro-Caribbean rhythms while in the UK, but when I arrived to Paris I was surprised how seriously people take to have a 'good' style. You cannot just "dance", but you need to know the precise small routines that people get used to in the courses in the city, so, back to beginners courses. Which is lots of fun nevertheless, and good exercise in this otherwise sedentary urbanite life.
Thursday was still grey and rainy, so the perfect day to meet a friend for dinner and to go to the 'cinematheque' for an Antonioni film ("L'eclipse"). Friday I had a 'grosse matinee', and in the afternoon I drove to Chartres to visit the Cathedral in depth (I even took the audio-guide with the 'full tour'). A funny experience was that with the laberynth and possibly that "sheep gene" we all have. When I arrived, noone was paying much attention to the medieval laberynth drawn on the floor of the main nave of the Cathedral. Even though I knew I would not get lost (medieval labyrinths are some sort of initiatic symbol, not a puzzle), i decided to 'walk it' to the center. That was already interesting, as you don't realise the complexity of the path till you actually follow it and keep getting closer and farther away from the center till, all of a sudden yo find yourself in the last 'corridor' leading to it (more symbology there). Anyway, as I started asking people to move aside so that I could walk the labyrinth, more and more people started following it, and even a couple of hours later, when I finally left the Cathedral, half a dozen people were still at it. I guess many people felt like walking it, but noone dares to be the first one (or only one) to start behaving in a weird way, and only when people saw that someone else was already doing it, that they could make their minds.
Anyway, a short walk in Chartes, and drive back home, getting lost in the way (the road and highway network around Paris is worse that a plate of spaguetti). As I arrived home I met online a good friend who is coming back to Paris soon and we started planning a weekend in London.
Saturday was the day of the "Nuit des Musees", that evening a year when many museums and cultural societies open their doors for free and sometimes even organise special exhibitions that you can enjoy from mid afternoon till midnight. Of course the usual 'large' museums get really packed, and moreover, it's a good idea to take advantage of this 'soire' to discover those venues and exhibitions that you might not be able to visit some other time. In our case, while some friends went to the Louvre, Centre Pompidou or the Musee Picasso, we went to the small Espace Dali, in Montmatre, to the Museum and Association of French Franc-masons (Le Grand Orient), that included a visit to one of the oldest Franc-mason Temples in Paris, and finally, not being able to visit the Musee du Moyen Age (too many people queuing), we ended up in the Musee de la Police, where the guided visit took us through centuries of the history of Paris, of the police, with anecdotes from the times of the French Revolution, Napoleon times, and the start of the scientific police.
Finally, Sunday was the day to get up late, go to the market to get some fresh greens and fruit, read, watch some DVD, and basically try to recover from this extra active week and get ready for the coming one, which will include a new dance course, may be a trip to visit some of the Chateaus in the Val de Loire... who knows?.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Programme Siecleversaire -- Samedi 24

Salut un autre fois!!
Les details de derniere minute pour demain.
*) Pour ceux qui vienent au Petit Palais a l'apres-midi, peut etre qu'on peut se rencontrer directement cela vers 15h45-16h, ou bien a l'interieur si on arrive plus tard (j'espere qu'il fera meilleur que maintenant). Apres le musee, on peut, si il fait bon, se promenet tranquilement vers le resto, ou si il y a de la pluie, on va aller a prendre quelque chose a proximite du resto. 
*) Pour cex qui vienen directement au dinner. Rdv au resto a 19h15, ou bien si vous arrivez plus tot, vous pouvez m'appelller sur mon portable pour demander ou est qu'on se trouve. L'addresse du resto est:
10, rue Saint Agustin (Paris 2eme Arr.)
*) Finalement, apres dinner on va aller au Jokomo, 41 rue St. Maur (Metro St. Maur), a deguster la biere belge et si on est chanceux, ecouter quelque petit concert de blues.
Merci a tous!!
A demain!!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Activites culturelles pour le w-e: art religieux et musique laique

Salut a tous et toutes!!
Voici le bulletin des activites socio-cultureles proposes pour ce weekend!!
Ce semaine la prevision meteo n'est pas precisement pour aller a se promener par des parcs et jardins, et alors on a bcp des activites 'indoors'. ;-)
Vendredi 2: ---- Soire Expo: Armenia Sacra au Louvre
Samedi 3: ------ Concert Chancon francaise avec "3 bouts de ficelle"
Dimanche 4: ----- Concert Klezmer avec "A Tickle in the Heart" & Shura Lipovsky
Vendredi 2: ---- Soire Expo: Armenia Sacra au Louvre
(Tres grand merci Seda!!)
Vendredi soir le Musee du Louvre ouvre ses portes jusqu'a 22h et il y a des interessantes reductions au prix des places (gratuit pour <26 et ~30% pour les "jeunes avec de la experience").
On peut visiter tout le musee, mais j'ai especial interes a la expo d'art sacre armenien. Cette eposition a ete especialement recomande par une bonne amie qui travaille au Institut Matenadaran a Yerevan, l'origin des objets a la exposition:
Ma amie Seda m'a dit:
(...) I really want you to see the collection
from Matenadaran (name of institute i work at), as even in
Matenadaran it's impossible to see them. There are about 40-50
manuscript books from Matenadaran, and these are the best ones among
the 17.500 manuscript books we have in book-depository  (best with
illustrations/quality/importance/being old and famous, etc, etc,
etc). (...) about 50
manuscripts are in Louvre now, 30 manuscripts will be taken to
Marseille and 30ish to another city (don't remember which one) in
April. So it's a big quantity of such treasure going out for
exhibition. (...) I keep my fingers crossed not to happen anything,
as i know what Matenadaran sent to Louvre.So it's really worth
seeing. (...) I cannot list all of them, just remember "Etchmiadzin
Gospel" (10th century, with ivory binding from 6th century) and
remember Toros Roslin's name (one of the best armenian illustrator of
13th-14th century, Sargis Pitsak and much more... (...)
A quelle heure est-ce que vous veulez q'on s'y rencontre? Peut etre on peut se rencontrer directement au RER?
Samedi 3: ------ Concert Chancon francaise avec "3 bouts de ficelle"
Pour lesquelles n'ont pas ete capables de les voir la semaine derniere, ou pour qui veut bien repeter ...
Sam 3 mars, 20h00              Jokomo Bar
41 rue St Maur, 11e              Bar Blues
M° St-Maur                          1ère partie surprise

Trois bouts de ficelle
Chanson franco-acoustique

le petit       Chant/Batterie
le moyen   Guitare/Choeurs
le grand     Piano/Choeurs


Dimanche 4: ----- Concert Klezmer avec "A Tickle in the Heart" & Shura Lipovsky

(Merci Christine pour ta proposition)

 Dimanche 4 mars 2007


A Tickle in the Heart & Shura Lipovsky

« Yiddish Storyteller from NY »

Bernd Spehl (clarinette, chant) - Andreas Schmitges (guitare, danse, chant)Thomas Fritze (contrebasse, guitare, percussions, chant)

L'ère du swing des années 30 marque le dernier grand essor de la musique Klezmer aux Etats-Unis avant un silence qui devait durer presque une quarantaine d'années. Le tube Bay mir bistu sheyn, des « Andrew Sisters », reprise d'une chanson du théâtre juif, signe le début de toute une série de « Swing-meets-Klezmer-Arrangements ». Benny Goodman, Ziggy Elman, Artie Shaw et même Cab Calloway jouaient alors des « Yiddish Melodies in Swing ».

Shura Lipovsky (Pays-Bas) est une des interprètes les plus connues du chant yiddish. Après des études de chant à Rotterdam et de yiddish chez Mira Rafalowicz et à la Oxford Summer University, elle s'intéressa patriculièrement à la mystique juive et à la danse. En 2005/2006 l'artiste fréquenta l'Ecole Internationale de Theatre de Jacques Lecoq à Paris. Shura Lipovsky enseigne à des masterclasses pour le chant yiddish et organise des workshops sur le thème « danse, chant et histoire dans le chassidisme ». Elle chante et enseigne en Europe, en Russie, aux Etats-Unis et au Canada. Elle est membre actif de « Musiciens sans frontières » (Pays-Bas), une organisation qui travaille pour la paix dans des régions en crise. Shura vient de donner  un concert avec un orchestre de Mostar et travailla à Sarajewo avec la chorale interréligieuse Pontamina. Elle donne régulièrement des cours à la Maison de la Culture Yiddish à Paris. Shura Lipovsky peut être considéré à juste titre comme la perle des chanteurs et chanteuses yiddish.

CDs de Shura Lipovsky : Moments of Jewish Life, Jews and Christians: Music in Mediaeval Spain, Heroes and Poets/Giboyrim un Poetn

Tarif spécial   10 € (plein tarif)/7 € (tarif réduit)

Lieu :

Maison Heinrich Heine, Fondation de l'Allemagne, Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris

27c, bd Jourdan, 75014 Paris

Tél. 01 44 16 13 00 – Fax 01 44 16 13 01



Ca c'est tout!! On va se contacter pour s'organiser, se retrouver etc?

A tantot!!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Film: The Lives of Others

No, I have not stopped going to the cinema... I just didn't have the time to write anything about the films I had seen, or not much to say about them, or didn't know what to think about them.

But for this film I'll make an effort, because I do want to recomend it. The film "Das Leben der Anderen" is not a spy film, as someone had told me before watching it. Although it is a film about a time and about a place where spying was the norm, and not the exception.

The action takes place in Eastern Germany a few years before the fall of the Iron Courtain. It is the life of a playwriter and of the Stasi officer in charge of surveying him. The film is not an action film, all the contrary. It explores the relationship between the observer and the unaware observed one. This relationship becomes more complex when the officer in charge of the surveillance starts covering for the activities of his target. It is also about the different types of people and their reactions and attitudes towards a police state like that one.

An excellent film. If you like it, or if you are interested in that place, that time, the Stasi, etc, I would also recommend you a book. "The Man without a Face" are the memoires of Marcus Wolf, who was the director of the Stasi in its most active years. Very enlightening... ;-)

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Back to our 'Caveau'

That is, the 'Caveau des Oubliettes', in the Latin Quarter of Paris. This used to be our usual haunt for Friday and Saturday evenings, but as sometimes happens, at some point we had stopped going and now it was may be over half a year since last time.

So we decided to go again, we met to go for dinner to an excellent Mexican restaurant (Fajitas), and then to the 'Caveau', to enjoy the night's concert. On this occasion, the organisers surprised us with a funky concert. After this return to old good habits, I guess we'll be back on th etrack to continue exploring this and other legendary jazz venues in Paris! :-)

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Or "Apocalypto", as Mr. Mel Gibson probably thinks it should be called. At least that's what's written on the posters of the film. I was a bit hesitant to go to the cinema see this film, but I swallowed by skepticism and went to see it. According to the publicity and some critics, it was "Mel Gibson looking into the end of the Aztec civilisation, analysing the reasons that had corrupted their society from the inside, making it prone to crumble at the arrival of the Spanish 'conquistadores'". Just in case some of the people that go to the cinema to watch it had not heard that description of the film, an introductory quote reminds you that that is the aim of the film. Or that is the pretension. On top of that, the film had been filmed in some (would be) indigenous language.
After all that you mostly expect a profound socio-historical analysis, may be almost documentary-like, about the last years of the Aztec Empire. Instead, you find yourself in front of the silliest story, where a bunch of merry tribespeople are massacred by another more violent tribe, and the survivors taken to be sold as slaves or to be used as human sacrifices to the gods. By the most abused of reasons (an infinitely opportune eclipse, no less), our hero and a few of his chums are spared from dieing at the sacrifice altar, but become game for their captors violent games. Predictably, our hero manages to escape, and although he has nos been fed in days and he is badly wounded, he manages to kill almost a dozen of the same warriors that he didn't manage to defeat on a one-to-one fight when he was fully rested and fed at the beginning of the film. And he does so, just in time to see the 'conquistadores' landing on the beach and to rescue his wife, who has just had a baby while she was hidden/trapped in a pit in the jungle. 
The film is in my opinion: shallow, predictable, topic and on top of all that, pretentious. Don't waste your time. I'm sure there's some other film you will enjoy more, or even you could watch telie and you would waste your time less.