I had been back in Cambridge several times since I finished my PhD here, but it had always been just to visit some friends (and attend some of those friends weddings!!), or do a bit of tourism, and even shopping. This time, I won't only be doing a bit of that, but I'm coming to stay for a few months, and best of all, during that time I'll be working in my old lab!!
It was a fantastic feeling to land in Dover on an incredibly sunny day of April, and drive back to this beautiful city again, listening to BBC on he car radio, etc. Today the weather is a bit more 'versatile', and we've had sunny but windy weather in the morning, sunny weather later on, and a few minutes ago there has been a thunderstorm.
In any case, Cambridge has, and has not changed at all. Obviously, Colleges are all there, as far as I can tell, as well as all of the sights, but I've found that a whole new shopping mall has just appeared in the very city center, and I am told that a new bridge has been built across the Cam.
Definitely, I need to keep exploring and rediscovering the city...